Sn General Ledger Accountant - French Speaker

Dátum: 2025. márc. 5.

Hely: Budapest, HU, 1095

Vállalat: Fressnapf I Maxi Zoo

Csapatunk mindent megtesz azért, hogy az emberek és az állatok könnyebben, jobban és boldogabban élhessenek együtt. Ez a törekvés tett minket Európa első számú hobbiállat-eledel és - felszerelés üzletláncává, de még mindig pezsgünk az ötletektől! Jelenleg egy egyedülálló, kisállatokkal kapcsolatos ökoszisztémát hozunk létre, amellyel a holnap kereskedelmét határozzuk meg. Ehhez olyan ambiciózus és felelősségteljes egyénekre van szükségünk, akik részt vennének inspiráló termékek és vásárlási élmények létrehozásában. Készen állsz rá, hogy csatlakozz a Fressnapf csapatához?

Mit fogsz csinálni


As a Senior General Ledger (GL) Accountant for France, you will be responsible for managing financial records, ensuring compliance with group accounting and local GAAP, and supporting the month-end and year-end close processes. You will collaborate closely with internal stakeholders, external auditors to ensure accuracy and efficiency in financial accounting.

Tasks & Activities

  • Maintain and reconcile general ledger accounts, ensuring accuracy and completeness
  • Prepare and review journal entries, accruals, and adjustments
  • Support the month-end, quarter-end, year-end closing processes, and financial statements for France
  • Perform variance analysis and provide explanations for financial results
  • Participating in various projects, such as testing, process improvements, and optimizations

Ami nekünk fontos


  • Bachelor's or Master’s degree in Accounting, Finance, or related field
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in general ledger accounting
  • Relevant experience in SAP FI 
  • Fluent in English and French
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills 
  • Excellent team working skills
  • Agile personality, great communication skills and service orientation
  • Ability to work independently

Amit kínálunk


  • The love of animals is our Fressnapf DNA – if you have a dog, you can bring him/her to work with you
  • Unique corporate culture – with us you will experience openness, transparency and appreciation in an innovative, dynamic environment – because we love what we do
  • Here you can be YOU, the “you” culture will be used across entire company and across all hierarchical levels
  • An extremely successful business model in combination with permanent expansion and high growth, even in uncertain times
  • Work-life balance and flexible working hours – with us you have the opportunity use the advantages of mobile working
  • Because you deserve it! – Attractive remuneration as well as various additional services and benefits, e.g. employee discounts or cafeteria scheme, are a matter of course for us
  • Stay connected! – Cohesion is very important to us: with the employee app or digital
  • We Care! – The well-being of our employees is important to us
  • Your development is important to us – we support you with a wide range of learning opportunities

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